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About Us

The APPG for Ethnic Minority Business Owners is a cross-party group with members from the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

APPG for Ethnic Minority Business Owners

The APPG was founded in 2019 with a passion to provide an opportunity for grassroots Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority business owners to engage with policy makers about the important issues that matter to them.  With the support of MPs and Peers the APPG continues to grow its engagement with a wide range of stakeholders and policy makers across the UK in order to address key issues that impact businesses led by Ethnic Minorities.

voice from grassroot final report  1

2020 was a pivotal year during the COVID 19 pandemic when the APPG conducted a national consultation of ethnic minority business owners.  We found that many were facing disproportionate barriers to accessing Government support measures, and that long standing systemic and structural barriers had been exacerbated by the crisis.

APPG report ‘BAME Business Response - Voice from the Grassroots’ 2020 made several recommendations of potential solutions that, if adopted, would address many barriers and open up more opportunities for success.

Manifesto for Ethnic Minority Business Owners

In 2022 the APPG for Ethnic Minority Business Owners published a Manifesto to recognise the importance of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic entrepreneurs to the UK’s economy. It also sets out the critical issues that, if they were addressed, would maximise the ability of diverse founders to overcome barriers and successfully scale up their contribution to economic growth.

Click here to see the Manifesto for Ethnic Minority Business Owners.

Income and Expenditure Statements

APPG for Ethnic Minority Business Owners is reliant on donations and we are grateful for the kind contributions of supporters, volunteers and sponsors.

Please find details of our income and expenditure statements below:

Income and Expenditure 2023- 24

Income and Expenditure 2022- 23

Income and Expenditure 2021- 22

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